World’s Edge is the Xbox Game Studio responsible for the Age of Empires franchise. Founded in 2019, World’s Edge has taken this beloved RTS franchise through three Definitive Editions, a new chapter in Age of Empires IV and is now looking to the future with a reimagining of another classic title in Age of Mythology: Retold. The World’s Edge’s era of Age of Empires has seen critical acclaim and delight from players. Working with diverse development partners around the world, World’s Edge continues to push forward the Age of Empires and Age of Mythology franchises, making them more expansive, accessible and approachable than ever before.
Our Mission at World’s Edge is to foster connections between players through a shared love of history, strategy, and creative expression. We build products that “spark the synapses” through a combination of open-ended possibility space, creative game elements, and responsive controls with room for mastery. We cater to all types of players through a diverse set of game offerings, accessibility options, and platforms from which to engage from.