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Wololo Wednesdays: September Winners

What’s up Wololo Warriors?

We had a great contest in September, and are LOVING the submissions you all sent in! Here are our winners:

If Age of Empires had merged with the Anime universe, and WOLOLO Monk was an Anime Character…I think this is how he would look like :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Note: Character inspired from Naruto OC.


Me and my friends,
we win and we lose together,
our ELOs always under 1600, sadly. :frowning:


Rock and roll just got Age-of-Empire’d.

My submission is a drawing of one of the Malay house (as well as Burmese, Khmer, and Vietnamese) in Age of Empires II.

Some details on the drawing:
Time it took to draw: 2 hours and 48 minutes
Tools: HB pencil, 2B pencil, dust-free eraser, and… well, paper.
Size: Approximately 8.5cm x 9cm


This is fine.

My humble submit.

Thank you all so much for participating, and congratulations on winning:)


Now, this is usually where we’d put the rules for next month’s contest. Sadly though this month we’ve got to put the contest on hiatus for the Holidays. We’ll be back in the new year with more Wololo goodness, so keep an eye out then! In the mean time keep hanging out here on the forums, we’ll definitely see you around!


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