With the end of the year approaching fast, the winter festivities are kicking off with a familiar celebration in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition! We’ve prepared an avalanche of new, winter-themed goodies—available alongside last year’s rewards—for you to unlock and enjoy over the next month. All of these presents are yours to open as a part of the WINTER FESTIVAL EVENT!
- Unlock three new Winter-Themed Profile Icons!
- Unlock the Snowman-At-Arms mod to replace your Man-At-Arms with festive snowmen! ⛄⛄⛄
- Unlock Snowman Decorations for your Town Center!
- Unlock Sparkling Winter Bells to replace Gold deposits!
New Rewards!
Starting TODAY through JANUARY 1, complete the in-game tasks within the time limit to unwrap the pile of holiday presents! The first challenge unlocks a new profile icon and is required to save all of your unlocks:
DAY ~ | 🎯 Sign into Xbox Live. 🏆 Unlocks the Viking Berserker profile icon. 💾 *Required* if you want to save any rewards unlocked during the event! |
Each of the following challenges must be unlocked in order and on separate days:
DAY 1 | 🔒 Play any Campaign mission and receive a medal. 🧱 [Mod] Unlocks Town Center Snowman Decorations. |
DAY 2 | 🔒 Defeat an AI at any difficulty in Skirmish. 🏆 Unlocks the Two-Handed-Snowman profile icon. |
DAY 3 | 🔒 Play any standard game. 🧱 [Mod] Unlocks the Snowman-At-Arms, a visual replacement for the man-at-arms. |
DAY 4 | 🔒 Defeat an AI at Standard or higher difficulty in Skirmish. 🏆 Unlocks the Present Onager profile icon. |
DAY 5 | 🔒 Play The Art of War mission “Booming” and receive a medal. 🧱 [Mod] Gold Mine visuals replaced by Piles of Bells. |

Get 2019’s Rewards!
In addition to this year’s rewards, all of last year’s rewards are available for you to keep! 2019’s profile icons are already in your icon library to select and show off your festive holiday spirit, and the 2019 Winter Celebration Mod can be found and downloaded in the Age mod database!
Keep It All!
Remember: if you sign in to Xbox Live during the event, you’ll get to keep all of the mods and profile icons you’ve achieved! Sign in, earn your rewards, and enjoy the winter-themed event!
We hope you enjoy the Winter Festival Event! And don’t forget to sign into Xbox Live to ensure you keep everything you unlock!
—The Age of Empires Team
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