Hello Friends! Penguins are visiting Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition since their winter months in the southern hemisphere are over now. Get your scarves and caps out because it’s going to be cold here!
Some cool challenges and rewards are waiting for you! Build up your walls and ring your town bells, an army of fighting penguins is coming from the South to take power!
We hope you enjoy this Penguin Party! Thank you for playing and stay tuned for a lot more to coming to Age II: DE!
September 19 – October 3

New Rewards!

NOW through October 3rd, complete the in-game tasks within the time limit to unlock exclusive rewards!
Day ~ | 🎯 Sign in to Xbox Live. 🏆 Unlocks the in-game Penguin unit profile icon. 💾 *Required* to save any rewards unlocked during the event! |
Each of the following challenges must be unlocked in order and on separate days:
Day 1 | 🔒 Research Plate Mail Armor. 🏆 Unlocks a profile icon of a Penguin in full plate armor. |
Day 2 | 🔒 Use the cheatcode “i don’t exist”. 🧱 Unlocks a graphical mod where your Town Centers are decorated with an ice sculpture of a Penguin wearing armor. |
Day 3 | 🔒 Kill 100 Units with Eagle Warriors (including Eagle Scout and Elite). 🧱 Unlocks a graphical mod where Eagle Warriors are using an icicle spear and wearing a warm Chullo Hat. |
Day 4 | 🔒 Research Garland Wars, El Dorado, or Fabric Shields. 🏆 Unlocks a profile icon of an Eagle warrior wearing a scarf. |
Day 5 | 🔒 Defeat 10 aggressive wild animals. 🧱 Unlocks a graphical mod where Knights are replaced by a penguin riding a polar bear! |
Event F.A.Q.
Keep It All (Forever)!
Remember: if you sign in to Xbox Live during the event, you’ll get to keep all of the mods and profile icons you’ve achieved! Sign in, earn your rewards, and enjoy!
We hope you enjoy the Penguin Party Event!
—The Age of Empires Team
Only the Xbox Live challenges can be completed *any* day before the end of the event!