For almost 25 years, the Age of Empires series has been delighting millions of real-time strategy fans around the world. With a focus on real historical events dating all the way back to the Stone Age, the series tasks players with determining how those events played out, allowing them to experience history as it was or create a new history of their own. It’s clearly resonated with fans, selling over 25 million copies over the years.
With that in mind, our developer teams at World’s Edge and Relic Entertainment knew that we had big shoes to fill in developing the upcoming Age of Empires IV. However, we knew it wasn’t enough just to create a game that not only checked all of the requisite real-time strategy boxes but also delivered an experience that exceeded our fans’ expectations. We knew that we needed to go above and beyond to let more people than ever play.
Enter Min Spec mode, which will allow players on older and lower-powered machines to experience Age of Empires IV.

How To Pre-Order
With innovative new ways to expand your empire across vast landscapes in stunning 4K, Age of Empires IV is set to bring real-time strategy to a new generation of PC gamers. We hope you’ll join us October 28 when a new age dawns with the release of Age of Empires IV available on Xbox Game Pass for PC, Steam, and Windows.