Jehanne d’Arc*, also commonly known as Joan of Arc, was born in the cool and early hours of January 6th, 1412. The morning of Joan’s arrival was marked by the crows of roosters as they welcomed one of the last few peaceful mornings from the Truce of Leulinghen. When Lord Perceval de Boulainvilliers heard the roosters, he noticed the sound of their crows and the fluttering of their wings seemed different, like they were announcing the beginning of something great. What could they be anticipating? Were they simply welcoming the sun as it peaked on the horizon or were they marking the beginning of something truly out of the ordinary?
Growing up, Joan spent her days on her family’s land grazing the duchies of Bar and Lorraine. There, she spent her days learning how to farm, how to spin wool, take care of the home, and how to be a pious woman. An essential part of Joan’s day also included learning about God and the scriptures through her mother’s songs, stories, and prayers. While working in the fields with her father, Joan learned about her country’s political chaos and how it was impacting the lives of the people from areas which were taken over by English armies and their allies. Her father explained to the young girl how France was in danger of falling against the English and how it was their duty as Godly people to support those who had fled their homes after enemy invasions. Every day, Joan was being shaped into a strong, fearless, and unapologetic leader.

Even from an early age, sources tell us that the future Saint was known and loved by everyone in her hometown of Domremy. Her selflessness, dedication, and hard work reflected her devotion to God and her church. These efforts did not go unnoticed by her peers. Evidence shows her community recognized and admired Joan’s devotion to her beliefs; they would often see her praying in her garden or at home, attending church, and leaving candles for Virgin Mary, who she would admire during her life.

At the age of thirteen, Joan began experiencing visions of angels and heavenly voices, encouraging her to expel the English and their Burgundian allies from French territory. These voices inspired the young teen to join the dauphin to fight for her country and under God’s name. Rejection of her offers to go to battle were to be expected. She was a young female with no political notoriety and the daughter of peasant farmers. Her claims of receiving messages from God as someone without any religious status was controversial and some even consider it to be heresy. Yes, Joan was wise beyond her years and knew she had God guiding her, but the chances of the young girl gaining support from Charles were incredibly slim. Nevertheless, she was determined to succeed in her divine mission.
After being questioned for several weeks, she gained Charles’ trust, and with that trust she took off to the town of Orleans.
Joan was becoming unstoppable.

This story of relentless determination now serves as an inspiration to millions of people, especially women, across to world who see her as a guiding light to being unapologetically themselves. She has inspired people to never give up on the dreams and goals they have for their lives. While playing Joan’s campaign, be sure to remember the incredible story of the pious peasant girl turned fierce, God-driven leader.
*When spelling Joan’s name in French, it is commonly spelled as Jeanne d’Arc, but can occasionally be spelled as Jehanne d’Arc as well.
How To Pre-Order
In France’s darkest hour, an unexpected heroine emerged. The teenage Jeanne d’Arc, driven by divine conviction, was charged with the deliverance of France from the hands of the English invasion. Our Hundred Years War campaign features two of Jeanne’s epic battles, in which she leads the French army to victory. Players will experience her determination, her ability to inspire and rally those around her, and will play out the strategies she used to turn the tide of the war in France’s favor.
Want to experience Joan’s journey? The game is available for pre-order now on Windows Store and Steam and will be playable starting October 28, on Xbox Game Pass for PC!