Lidakor’s Pro League, the first 3v3 team-game tournament of Age of Empires IV, kicked off the Quarterfinals of the main stage event today. For the first time, teams can test their strength in a competitive team-game setting in Age IV, competing for their share of a $20,000 prizepool. Starting with over 80 teams, the event is now down to eight remaining teams that will fight to be the champion in the coming days! Watch now through Sunday to see which teams come out on top.
The event features some of the best-known players of Age of Empires IV, including the likes of VortiX, TheMista, DeMusliM and more! Meanwhile, the top eight also features teams of players who rarely participate in 1v1 tournaments but are looking to show their strength in team-game settings. Who will triumph: a team combination of individual skill, or a team with exceptional chemistry?

Watch the final eight battle it out LIVE from Thursday through Sunday at 14:00 GMT (6 AM PST) on Lidakor’s Twitch channel.