March 8th marks the date of International Women’s Day! This year, Age of Empires is honoring women through several special events. See a special campaign stream with LilTrouble__, watch and donate to the Age of Queens – Queens’ Charity Clash showmatch event, and unlock the first ever female explorer customization in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition! Follow all the fun right here.
LilTrouble__ Takes Over Xbox Twitch
Join LilTrouble__ as she takes over the Xbox Twitch stream! Watch as she plays through a community created campaign: Apranik – Last Warrior of the Ancient World. Livestream starts at 9:30am PT / 17:00 GMT at twitch.tv/xbox

Age of Queens’ Charity Clash

Age of Queens hosts the first Queens’ Charity Clash spanning the month of March. Competitive matches will show off the skills of women players of AoE II: DE as they battle it out to earn more money for their charity. One side will play for Girls Who Code and the other side will play for Games and Online Harassment Hotline. Check out the matches, make donations, or just hang out with some awesome AoE women over at Age of Queens Team Channel! Want more information? Check out the Full Blog.
Schedule of Matches:
- 8th March 21 GMT: 4v4 on closed maps
- 19th March 14 GMT: 3v3 Deathmatch
- 20th March 14 GMT: 2v2
- 25th March 14 GMT: Free for All
- 26th March 14 GMT: 5 1v1s from different players, each representing one team
- 27th March 14 GMT: High elo 1v1
Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition – In Game Event
Starting mid-March, you can unlock new portraits, cheats, and explorer customizations with the International Women’s Day in game event coming to Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition. This new event will feature the first female explorer customizations featuring iconic women such as Ada Lovelace and Elisabet Ramsey.

Keep an eye out for all of these events on our social channels or over at the Age of Empires Women’s History Month news hub.