ICYMI, Age of Empires IV launched day one with Xbox Game Pass for PC on October 28. In celebration of its arrival, we partnered with the always entertaining UrAvgConsumer to build a custom Age of Empires IV themed PC (and we didn’t even need to produce a Monk to convert him to our side with a ‘Wololo!’ chant. We just said “Wololo” a lot for fun).
In Age of Empires IV, you’ll make history your story through both familiar and innovative new ways to expand your empire across vast landscapes in stunning 4K visual fidelity, where you’ll guide your empire through the ages and — when the time is right — strike your enemies down to claim victory! Learn more about Age of Empires IV with some of our exclusive Xbox Wire content, like where we cover the game’s Min Spec Mode and showcase its numerous Hot Keys to help with your in-game empire management.
It should be no surprise that more PC games are on the way with Game Pass for PC, which also means the Game Pass Has PC Games – PC Builder Series will return with custom PC builds inspired by day one releases like Forza Horizon 5 (launching November 9) and Halo Infinite (launching December 8).
Stay tuned here to Xbox Wire for all the latest and greatest news about some of your soon-to-be favorite games and we’ll see you soon!