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Celebrate the Lunar Faire Event with Age IV!

Luna New Year lanterns floating in the sky around the moon and fireworks with the words "Season Three Event" and "Age of Empires IV"

Editor’s Note: An issue with Event descriptions not appearing correctly in all languages has been resolved!

Lunar New Year is upon us, and so is the next event for Age of Empires IV! Dust off your lanterns and get ready to celebrate this festive season. From today, January 23rd to February 9th, play some fun challenges and earn some exclusive rewards in the Lunar Faire Event!

showcase of lunar faire event and rewards

New Rewards!

Login Bonus🎯 Log in January 23rd to receive:
🏆Profile Icon Unlock
ChallengeHow to Unlock Reward
Growing Up So Fast🔒 Produce 40 or more Villagers in a Skirmish or Multiplayer match.
🧱 Coat of Arms Sigil Unlock
🧱 Coat of Arms Sigil Unlock
Making Waves🔒 Destroy 5 Naval units using Springald Ships in a Skirmish or Multiplayer match.
🧱 Coat of Arms Sigil Unlock
🏆 Profile Icon Unlock
Keep Rebuilding🔒 Build an additional Town Center in a Skirmish or Multiplayer match as the Chinese. 
🧱 Coat of Arms Sigil Unlock
🏆 Profile Icon Unlock
Lucky Water Rabbit 🔒 Build 8 Naval units in a Skirmish or Multiplayer match as the Malians.
🧱 Coat of Arms Banner Unlock
🏆 Profile Icon Unlock
Follow the Tracks🔒 Survive at least 18 minutes in the Ottomans Art of War Challenge.
🧱 Coat of Arms Banner Unlock
🧱 Unlocks a Monument

We hope you enjoy the Lunar Faire Event and are looking forward to the next one!

Don’t forget to keep sharing your feedback on Seasons with us in the forums – we’d love to hear your feedback!

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