With the Lunar New Year quickly approaching, we’re celebrating the occasion in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition! This month, we’ve prepared a stunning selection of beautiful and celebratory-themed rewards for you to unlock and enjoy. Plus we’ve added an extra explosive new challenge—the Bombard Brawl—in which to compete against your friends!
All of these rewards are yours to collect and enjoy as a part of the LUNAR NEW YEAR FESTIVAL!
- Unlock and collect all six new Profile Icons!
- Take command of the Ottoman army in the new Bombard Brawl Challenge!
New Rewards!
Starting TODAY through February 15th, complete the in-game tasks within the time limit to add the new rewards to your pile of presents! The first challenge unlocks a new visual mod and is required to save all of your unlocks:
DAY ~ | 🎯 Sign into Xbox Live. 🏆 Unlock the Xbox Ox profile icon. 💾 *Required* if you want to save any rewards unlocked during the event! |
Each of the following challenges must be unlocked in order and on separate days:
DAY 1 | 🔒 Win a Skirmish or Multiplayer game on the Silk Road Map. 🏆 Unlock the Citizen in Cheongsam Traditional Clothing profile icon. |
DAY 2 | 🔒 Get 50 artillery kills as the Chinese. 🏆 Unlocks the Hand mortar Jammed with Fireworks profile icon. |
DAY 3 | 🔒 Perform 10 Anchor Fist with Lao Chen in Asian Dynasty Campaign 🏆 Unlocks the Lao Chen with Gift Basket profile icon. |
DAY 4 | 🔒 Build all 15 Wonders. 🏆 Unlocks the Iron Flail in Traditional Clothes profile icon. |
DAY 5 | 🔒 Control all Trading Posts on Large Silk Road for 2 Minutes against 3 FFA Standard AI. 🏆 Unlocks the Citizen in Áo dài Traditional Clothing profile icon. |
Bombard Brawl Challenge!
We’ve prepared an extra bombastic challenge for the New Year Festival!
- You’ve been promoted to Commander of the Ottoman forces and must capture the four enemy encampments, before a final siege on the French stronghold!
- After destroying key enemy structures, indicated by a flag next to the structures of each enemy, you will assume control of the remaining buildings to bolster your armies as they move to the next enemy.
- Your ultimate goal is to destroy the French Command Post, and gain as many points as you can along the way. An ingame leaderboard will display how you stack up against your in-game Friends’ score.
In addition to the leaderboard, you can unlock two exclusive icons based on your score in the scenario:
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Reach a score of 45,000 in Bombard Brawl challenge. Unlock the Shaolin Monk Bowing profile icon. |
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Reach a score of 60,000 in Bombard Brawl challenge. Unlock the Golden Ox profile icon. |
Need help increasing your score? Here are some tips from the people behind the scenario:
We hope you enjoy and find plenty of fun in the new Bombard Brawl challenge!
Keep It All!
Remember: if you sign in to Xbox Live during the event, you’ll get to keep all of the profile icons you’ve achieved! Sign in, earn your rewards, and enjoy the Lunar New Year Festival!
—The Age of Empires Team
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