Season One: Festival of Ages is upon us!
We’re excited to share our first Season with all of you, so let’s dive in and learn more about what exactly a Season entails.
What is a Season?
Seasons in Age of Empires IV consist of new content and rewards to progress towards and unlock over a set period of time.
Season One: Festival of Ages runs from 10AM PT on April 13th through 10AM PT on June 30th, during which time you will be able to participate in Ranked Seasons, complete Seasonal Events and earn Login Rewards.
Check Out the Leaderboard!
The leaderboard for Ranked Seasons is located here.
Ranked Seasons
Compete in Ranked Matches against fierce opponents throughout the season as you progress through the rankings, forging your path to conquest and triumph.

Demonstrate your strategic prowess as you compete for exclusive rewards.

The Ranked Season covers the entirety of Season One: Festival of Ages, running April 13th through June 30th.
The current map pool for Ranked Season One is as follows:
- Altai
- Dry Arabia
- High View
- Hill and Dale
- Lipany
- Mongolian Heights
Seasonal Events
Complete challenges for rewards and show off your accomplishments in your matches.
Numerous events will also take place over the course of Season One: Festival of Ages, each lasting for two weeks long, with a one week break between.

Event 1: April 13 – April 27
Challenge | Details | Reward |
Yours Truly | Complete the Advanced Combat Art of War challenge | Ink & Quill (Coat of Arms Sigil) |
Honey, I Shrunk the Trees | Complete a Skirmish or Custom match with a mod active | Bamboo Sigil Frame (Coat of Arms Sigil Frame) |
Sovereignty | Unlock the Yuan and/or Ming Dynasties as the Chinese | Paper Tiger Lantern (Portrait) |
Chivalry is Dead | Play through The Combat of the Thirty mission in The Hundred Years War campaign | Tiger Sigil (Coat of Arms Sigil) |
Come the Spoils | Play a Ranked Season match until you or your opponent wins by Conquest, Sacred, or Wonder Victory | Dragon Kite (Portrait) |
Event 2: May 4 – May 18
Stay tuned!
Event 3: May 26 – June 8
Stay tuned!
Event 4: June 15 – June 29
Stay tuned!
Login Rewards
When you log in for the first time during each event period (as indicated above) you will receive an exclusive Login Reward. No tricks, no challenges, just log in and it’s yours!
Season One Overviews
Be sure to check out our other blogs on everything that’s coming to Season One: