Thank you to those who have joined us in playing and celebrating Age of Empires IV so far – we’ve enjoyed seeing your empires flourish and can’t wait to “Age Up” together as we continue updating the Age IV experience!
Starting today, November 15, 2021 at 9 AM PT (17:00 UTC), we’ll be introducing our first patch 7989 with a few key fixes based off your feedback.
Before You Update: Please note that upon updating to 7989, you will no longer be able to utilize replays from previous updates. At times, saves will also be impacted, though we’ve taken additional steps to ensure your saves from 7274 are not impacted by this particular update.
Thank you for for sharing in the successful release of Age of Empires IV! We look forward to continue hearing your feedback. You can post in our Age IV forums with your thoughts at any time.
—The Age of Empires Team
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Release Notes
- Changes made to drastically reduce performance drops when panning the camera across the map.
- Steam users are now able to link their Xbox Live accounts in-game.
- Some users reported health bars disappearing during gameplay regardless of their setting selections. This has been fixed with patch 7989, and in-game health bars should appear when you tell them to (in the settings!).
- The Mongol Town Center Capital can no longer be placed directly next to their opponent’s Town Center. From now on, the Mongol Town Center Capital must be placed in an explored area, and not within 20 tiles of an enemy’s Town Center. Our Balance team will continue to observe your feedback on this and other elements of gameplay.
- Small adjustments made to in-game localization.
Known Issues
You can find a list of Known Issues HERE at any time.
- Replays from 7274 are not compatible with 7989.
- The requirements text for the Mongol Town Center Capital does not call out the necessity for it to be placed in an explored area. We will be fixing this in a future update.
- Known issue Infinite Relic Duplication for Rus Civilization has been identified for a fix in a future update.
- Known issue Mongol Civ – Packed Buildings Continuously Repaired has been identified for a fix in a future update.
- Known issue Mongol Civ – Superior Mobility Providing Too Much Increased Movement Speed has been identified for a fix in a future update.