Welcome adventurers to another exciting update for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition!
Spring is in the air, and with it is the Spring Celebration Event with some fun new challenges and cool rewards. Gather up your springtime bouquets and don’t miss a chance to jump into the fray! There are some thrilling changes in store too, including new mods, explorer customizations, and new cards!
Here are a few notable features to look out for in today’s update:
- Spring Celebration Event!
- New profile portraits
- New explorer customizations
- New Mod Pack
- 11 new cards for the Spanish!
- Improvements for new Ping/Flare system (BETA)
- Improvements for Photo Mode (BETA)
- Various bug fixes for community reported issues
Thank you for sharing in yet another major milestone for Age of Empires with us! We hope you enjoy all the changes and look forward to sharing in all the adventures yet to come!
—The Age of Empires Team
Please note that custom mods may not be compatible with the latest game update. If you are experiencing issues launching or playing the game after downloading the new build, try disabling your installed mods before trying again.
Still having trouble? Visit our support site!
Build Spotlight
Spring Celebration Event
💥April 19th – May 4th💥
Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition is celebrating Spring with the release of an all new event! For a limited time, you can unlock new portraits and explorer customizations by completing the community challenges!
Explorer Customizations!
New Rewards!
Starting TODAY through May 4th, complete daily in-game tasks within the time limit to unlock exclusive rewards!
Day ~ | 🎯 Sign in to Xbox Live. 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Flower vendor stand. |
Each of the following challenges must be unlocked in order and on separate days.
Day 1 | 🔒 Research Cherry Blossom Festival as the Japanese. 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – A song bird perched on a branch of blooming flowers. |
Day 2 | 🔒 Win a Skirmish or Multiplayer game as the Ethiopians, Hausa, Incas or Aztecs. 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – A kaleidoscope of butterflies flying together. |
Day 3 | 🔒 Build 40 Farms, Fields, Mill or Rice Paddies in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches. 🧱 Unlock Spain Explorer Customization – Heroic Villager. |
Day 4 | 🔒 Gather 10,000 flowers in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches.(resource crates) 🏆 Profile Icon Unlock – Capybara wearing a flower crown. |
Day 5 | 🔒 Send 30 Shipments from your Home City in any amount of Skirmish or Multiplayer matches. 🧱 Unlock Spain Explorer Customization – Flamenco Dancer. |
Keep it Forever!
Remember: if you sign in to Xbox Live at any point during the event, you get to keep all the mods and profile icons you unlock! Sign in, earn your rewards, and enjoy!
—The Age of Empires Team
Event F.A.Q.
Spanish: 11 NEW Cards
TEAM 1 Falconet (III, 200c)![]() |
“Ships 1 Falconet to each member of the team.”
TEAM 1 Heavy Cannon (IV, 500c)![]() |
“Ships 1 Heavy Cannon to each member of the team.”
Marvelous Year (III)![]() |
“Settlers train and work significantly faster for 365 seconds. A marvelous year, Viva España!”
House of Trastamára (II)![]() |
“Arrives fast! Your next Age-up is cheaper and faster the more shipments you have received in your CURRENT AGE.”
Peninsular Guerrillas (IV)![]() |
“Improves Ranged Infantry attack and enables them to see the location of enemies they’ve recently damaged.”
Viceroyalty of New Spain (III)![]() |
“Ships 2 Hacienda Wagons that can transform into Haciendas where Settlers may gather resources or produce Cows, more Settlers, or powerful Soldados.” |
Reconquista (II)![]() |
“Ships 1 Conquistador for each 5 Archaic infantry units you have lost (up to a maximum of 10).”
Liberation March (III)![]() |
“All infantry and cavalry train and move faster.”
Nuestras Señoras (IV)![]() |
“Ships a Mighty Battleship!”
INF 1 Battleship (IV, 1000c)![]() |
“Ships a Mighty Battleship!”
INF 7 Lancers (IV)![]() |
“Ships 7 Lancers”
Stability & Performance
- Added Asset pre-loading improvements, allowing the game to use extra memory and loading times to increase stability.
- Added checks to help prevent crashes caused by UI mods.
- Fixed a rare desync.
- Radial Flare menu can be disabled by unbinding the hotkey option “General Game Hotkeys -> Select Flare Type”
- Fixed issue where ping/flare placed outside of camera view would not display a visual effect in the world.
- Added a filter option to only show Co-Op Battles in the multiplayer lobby.
- Fixed issue where names of random maps, map sets, and Co-op scenarios would incorrectly show in in the host’s language (instead of the client’s language) in client lobbies. (Custom scenarios will still use the file name).
- Campaign loading screen – fixed occasional string displayed in multiple fonts.
- QoL – Game Rules are now displayed within Multiplayer Lobbies
- The lobby’s Game Rules can now be viewed in a tooltip by hovering the cursor over the “i” icon, next to the Lobby Name & Game Mode.
- For example: Treaty Time & Blockade status are now stated in this tooltip if the Game Rules are set to Treaty.
- QoL – Improved display of Game Rules in Multiplayer & Skirmish Loading Screen and within the Game Summary, within matches.
- QoL – Relocating the expanded mini map button so that it won’t clash with other UI.
- QoL – Improved expanded mini map UI behaviour so it won’t clash with other UI.
- Fixed height issue in the Player Summary menu where Players were getting cut off.
- British HC Card “Siege Archery” no longer incorrectly displays it affects Rangers.
- Hotkey bindings added for flare type menu.
- Hotkey for ‘Select Flare Type’ is bound by default to Ctrl-Mouse2Down (Ctrl+RMB).
- This resolves previous conflict with the Alt-RightClick Attack Move (Alt+RMB).
Civilization Balance
- Culverin: Adjusted as follows
- Now inflicts 2x damage to Buildings
- Now inflicts 2x to Gatling Camels (down from 4x)
- Akan Cocoa Beans: Now improves Cherry Orchard gather rates by 10% (down from 30%)
- Missionary: Population cost removed (Build Limit of 10 remains)
- Unction (II): Moved to Age 1; no longer ships a Missionary; Aura no longer improves Artillery or Ships; aura damage improvement reduced to 2.5% (from 4.5); aura range increased to 34 (from 24); ‘range ring’ adjusted accordingly (Note: Max improvement is now +28% attack, down from 55.3%)
- Spanish Gold (III): Reduce crate to 300 coin (from 350)
- Armada (III): Now also enables different War Ships to train certain Military Units
- INF 10 Rodeleros (IV): Increased to 14
- 13 Rodeleros (IV): Increased to 16
- [NEW] INF 7 Lancers (IV): Replaces the current “7 Lancers” and “6 Lancers” shipments
- [NEW] TEAM 1 Falconet (III, 200c): Simple shipment of a Falconet to the entire team.
- [NEW] TEAM 1 Heavy Cannon (IV, 500c): Simple shipment of a Heavy Cannon to the entire team.
- [NEW] Marvelous Year (III): “Settlers train and work significantly faster for 365 seconds. A marvelous year, Viva España!”
- Current Training Time Improvement: -27.5%
- Current Gathering Speed Improvement: +20%
- [NEW] House of Trastamára (II): “Arrives fast! Your next Age-up is cheaper and faster the more shipments you have received in your CURRENT AGE.”
- For each card that arrived after the last completed Age-up
- Next Age-up time improved by -8.5%
- Next Age-up cost reduced by 100 resources
- Effects apply once to the NEXT Age-up only
- Progress is reset with each completed Age-up
- [NEW] Peninsular Guerrillas (IV): “Improves Ranged Infantry attack and enables them to see the location of enemies they’ve recently damaged.”
- Damage improvement: 25%
- Revealer: Has 24 LOS and lasts 3 seconds
- [NEW] Viceroyalty of New Spain (III): “Ships 2 Hacienda Wagons that can transform into Haciendas where Settlers may gather resources or produce Cows, more Settlers, or powerful Soldados.”
- [NEW] Reconquista (II): “Ships 1 Conquistador for each 5 Archaic Infantry you have lost (up to a maximum of 10).” All Hand Infantry & Foot Archers are Archaic Infantry
- [NEW] Liberation March (III): “All infantry and cavalry train and move faster.” This card replaces Fencing School and Riding School
- [NEW] Nuestras Señoras (IV, 2000c): “Ships 2 Mighty Battleships!”
- [NEW] INF 1 Battleship (IV, 1000c): “Ships a Mighty Battleship!”
The changes to Unction card intend to considerably reduce its significance in the late-game (paving the way for powerful new cards) and to make it less difficult to use.
Random Maps
Map Updates
- Horn:
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from accessing the water in games with more than 2 teams.
- Lake Victoria:
- Fixed an issue that could cause a native settlement not to spawn properly.
- Plymouth:
- Fixed an issue where teammates would spawn too close together in games with 3 or 4 teams.
- Siwa Oasis:
- Adjusted team player placement so that players begin farther from the edge of the map in supremacy games and adjusted how resources are distributed around the map.
- Unknown:
- Added new starting wagons, bonus scouts, and overall increased randomness for you to discover.
- Ensured players always start with 2 mines near their Town Center in treaty games.
- Home City files, tactics files and the UI tech tree data can now be additively modded. As an example the British Home City file can be additively modded with homecitybritish.mods.xml.
Scenario Editor
- Free camera mode now allows to zoom out as far as before (this was incorrectly affected by Photo Mode in the previous update).
Community-Reported Issues:
- Your reports continue being crucial to our prioritization and implementation of fixes and features in the game. Keep them coming!
For other known issues, please visit this page to see what’s being tracked!
Please note that this list is subject to change, and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the known issues we’re tracking. The above is to inform you of the team’s current priorities, which will change as other issues arise or take precedence.
For the latest updates and announcements, please visit our social channels.
What's on the Horizon?
- New Civilization!
- More performance improvements for low end systems
- HC customizations for the two Native American civilizations
- Additional Explorer customizations
Hotfix 13.5088
- Fixed a rare out of sync issue that could occur when sending the new Peninsular Guerrillas card shipment as the Spanish.
Only the Xbox Live challenges can be completed *any* day before the end of the event!