With the latest update to Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, two of the original Age of Empires campaigns; Ascent of Egypt and The First Punic War have been added to the Return of Rome DLC!
You can access the new campaigns by transitioning your game into Return of Rome, then navigating to Single Player and selecting the Campaigns option. From here, select the new ‘Return of Rome‘ tab on the side of the campaign menu.

You can read more details about the Ascent of Egypt and The First Punic War campaigns below!
Return of Rome is available on Microsoft Store, Xbox or Steam. Remember, you must own or have Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition via Game Pass to play.
Ascent of Egypt
Follow the creation of the Old Kingdom of Egypt, learning the skills and strategies you need to guide your civilization to victory across 12 scenarios in the Ascent of Egypt campaign. Each scenario is designed to help nurture your fundamentals and practice a specific skill, such as: Exploring the map, building your economy and even converting enemy units.
Take your first steps in Return or Rome by experiencing the story of the world’s longest continuous civilization. As the guiding spirit of Egypt, settle along the fertile Nile River, wage war and unite the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt with Narmer, build the great monuments of Hatshepsut, and venture into foreign lands to conquer the Nubians and Canaanites.

Ascent of Egypt Scenarios
“For centuries, the Nubians of the South have attacked and pillaged our cities in Upper Egypt. Pharaoh Senusret Ill is determined to deal with them for good.”

- Hunting
- Foraging
- Exploration
- Dawn of a New Age
- Skirmish
- Farming
- Trade
- Religion
- River Outpost
- Naval Battle
- A Wonder of the World
- Siege in Canaan
The First Punic War
Command the mighty Carthaginian empire in their war against the aggressive, Roman Empire. Push back the Roman invasion, destroy their supply lines and erect a monument to the strength of Carthage across 3 epic scenarios. Then, you’ll have demonstrated the futility of challenging Carthage, and sent the Romans back to where they came from!
For centuries, Carthage ruled the waves and coasts of the Mediterranean. Her trade ships enriched her harbors while her colonies were defended by the fiercest mercenaries that gold could buy. The sudden appearance of Rome, however, threatens its mercantile dominance. Will you be able to defend your empire’s outpost on Sicily from these marauding Romans’ Surely, this enemy is nothing compared to the might of Carthage.

The First Punic War Scenarios
“The soldiers from this town call themselves Romans and they march on your positions. By the grace of Ba’al Hammon, King of the Gods, deal with these Roman upstarts!”

- Struggle for Sicily
- Battle of Mylae
- Battle of Tunis
More to Come!

The winners of the Community Poll, Glory of Greece and the Voices of Babylon campaigns will be added to Return of Rome in a future update. We’ll have an update for you as soon as we have more information to share!
We hope you enjoy the addition of the Ascent of Egypt and The First Punic War campaigns to Return of Rome!
Return of Rome is available now on Microsoft Store, Xbox or Steam. Remember, you must own or have Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition via Game Pass to play.