The Athenians
The Athenians will be available to play in the Chronicles: Battle for Greece DLC on November 14, 2024.
By any measure, ancient Athens was a remarkable place. An extraordinary proportion of ancient Greece’s most famous figures dwelt in the city at one point or another: philosophers including Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle; statesmen like Solon, Cleisthenes, and Pericles; the historians Herodotus, Thucydides, and Xenophon; the tragic playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, and the comic playwrights Aristophanes and Menander.
The cultural life of Athens was inseparable from its civic life, with many of its great intellectual figures also serving as generals, politicians, and priests. It should be noted that the democracy which spawned such a vivid cultural scene was also capable of immense idiocy, most notably when the Athenians voted to execute six of their foremost admirals at the height of the Peloponnesian War (a crushing naval defeat followed shortly after).
Athenian military power was closely tied to the city’s navy. When a rich vein of silver was struck in 483 BCE, the statesman Themistocles encouraged the Athenians to spend it on a fleet of 200 warships. After using this new armada to help repel a Persian invasion, the Athenians established an empire, in which tribute from their smaller subjects was used to finance the navy that kept them under control. When the Peloponnesian War broke out between Athens and Sparta in 431 BCE, the Athenian strategy was to rely entirely on their navy: they brought their whole population within the city walls, knowing that they could be supplied indefinitely by sea. You can experience many of these events directly in the Battle for Greece campaign!

Our constitution does not copy the laws of neighboring states; we are rather an example to others than imitators ourselves. Its administration favors the many instead of the few; this is why it is called a democracy.
– From Pericles’ funeral oration, quoted in Thucydides 2.35-46.
As you might expect, the Athenians are an extremely effective naval civilization, with access to all ships except the Elite Lembos. Their team bonus causes naval technologies to research faster, while one of their civilization bonuses allows lumberjacks to generate a small trickle of food, making it easier to keep your economy balanced while bringing in the wood needed for a large navy.
On land, the Athenians cannot rely on their mediocre cavalry, though a speed bonus for their Hoplites compensates for this lack of mobility. A strong suite of Blacksmith upgrades means that a combined force of infantry and archers can deal with most enemies – especially when supported by the Athenian unique unit, the Strategos. The Athenians would elect ten Strategoi (generals) each year, who would fight on the frontline alongside their men; in Chronicles, the Strategos has an aura effect which boosts nearby units.
A unique mechanic available to the Athenians is the ability to change their government policy – after all, we could hardly make an Athenian civilization without politics! At the Town Center, you can focus on an Economic Policy to boost the work speed of your villagers, a Naval Policy to make your ships train faster and more cheaply, or a Military Policy to make your melee units train faster and gain gold for killing enemy units.
Unique Units

The Strategos increases the attack of nearby units, while being a strong anti-infantry fighter himself. Mix these powerful commanders into your armies to make them as potent as possible

Trained from the Barracks, the Hoplite is a Greek regional unit which increases the armor of other nearby Hoplites, referencing the tightly-packed phalanx formation in which these soldiers fought.

The Strategos increases the attack of nearby units, while being a strong anti-infantry fighter himself. Mix these powerful commanders into your armies to make them as potent as possible

Trained from the Barracks, the Hoplite is a Greek regional unit which increases the armor of other nearby Hoplites, referencing the tightly-packed phalanx formation in which these soldiers fought.
Unique Technologies

Strategoi further increase the attack of nearby melee units, and their aura becomes larger.
- Disables Iphicratean Tactics upon being researched.

Iphicratean Tactics
Skirmishers receive a charge attack on their projectiles.
- Disables Taxiarchs upon being researched.

A percentage of the Hoplite gold cost is replaced with an additional food cost.
- Disables Delian League upon being researched.

Delian League
Bowmen and Gastraphetoroi move faster.
- Disables Eisphora upon being researched.

Strategoi further increase the attack of nearby melee units, and their aura becomes larger.
- Disables Iphicratean Tactics upon being researched.

Iphicratean Tactics
Skirmishers receive a charge attack on their projectiles.
- Disables Taxiarchs upon being researched.

A percentage of the Hoplite gold cost is replaced with an additional food cost.
- Disables Delian League upon being researched.

Delian League
Bowmen and Gastraphetoroi move faster.
- Disables Eisphora upon being researched.

Athenians Wonder
Athenians Technology Tree

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