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Achaemenids Coming Soon

The Achaemenids

The Achaemenids

Ruling over an originally nomadic Persian people, the Achaemenids came to prominence in the mid-sixth century BCE under the legendary King Cyrus. Cyrus rebelled against the Medes who ruled over his people, then launched a series of stunning campaigns that saw him conquer both the mighty Babylonian Empire and the wealthy kingdom of Lydia.  

Military might may win empires, but administrative skill is required to retain them. The Achaemenids divided their empire into provinces called satrapies (governed by men called satraps). An enormous highway known as the royal road spanned the empire, traversed by armies, administrators, the travelling court of the king, and speedy messengers who formed an institution known as the Angarium. 

From their vast empire, the Achaemenids could summon enormous armies, levied from an extraordinary variety of peoples. Describing the army of Xerxes, the historian Herodotus mentions Sakan axemen, Assyrians with helmets of twisted bronze, Indians bearing reed bows, Ethiopians draped in leopard skins, mounted Sargatians equipped with lassos, and innumerable other contingents, drinking rivers dry as they marched towards Greece. In Battle for Greece, this terrifying empire is yours to command if you have the strength – or yours to defy, if you have the courage. 



I am skilled both in hands and in feet. As a horseman, I am a good horseman. As a bowman, I am a good bowman, both on foot and on horseback. As a spearman, I am a good spearman, both on foot and on horseback.
– Inscription from the tomb of King Darius I at Naqsh-e Rustam 

The Persians took horsemanship – and the ability to fight from horseback – rather seriously. The Achaemenids have access to a full roster of powerful late game cavalry, whether you wish to deploy heavy cavalry, light cavalry, or mounted archers. As if that wasn’t enough horsepower, they also have the War Chariot, which deals devastating trample damage against infantry masses. The Achaemenids are less blessed with heavy infantry – certainly compared to their Greek foes – but their stout spearmen and archers can hold a respectable battle line. 

Achaemenid players will require a strong economy to support such armies. Fortunately, they have access to a unique special mechanic: the ability to individually upgrade Town Centers. Boost nearby villagers’ productivity with an Economic Town Center, hasten the recruitment speed of nearby military buildings with a Military Town Center, or protect forward resources with a Defensive Town Center. 

Unique Units


Equally adept with spear and bow, the Immortal can be ordered to switch weapons depending on the circumstances.  

War Chariot

With its trample damage effect and bonus against infantry, the War Chariot scythes down anyone foolish enough to stand in its way.  


Equally adept with spear and bow, the Immortal can be ordered to switch weapons depending on the circumstances.  

War Chariot

With its trample damage effect and bonus against infantry, the War Chariot scythes down anyone foolish enough to stand in its way.  

Unique Technologies


Spearman give additional pierce armor to nearby units.

  • Disables Reed Arrows upon being researched.

Reed Arrows

Archers, ranged Immortals, and Galleys fires faster.

  • Disables Sparabaras upon being researched.

Scythed Chariots

War Chariots have increased trample radius.

  • Disables Karda upon being researched.


Infantry and Archers bonus hitpoints.

  • Disables Scythed Chariots upon being researched.


Spearman give additional pierce armor to nearby units.

  • Disables Reed Arrows upon being researched.

Reed Arrows

Archers, ranged Immortals, and Galleys fires faster.

  • Disables Sparabaras upon being researched.

Scythed Chariots

War Chariots have increased trample radius.

  • Disables Karda upon being researched.


Infantry and Archers bonus hitpoints.

  • Disables Scythed Chariots upon being researched.
Achaemenids Wonder

Achaemenids Wonder

Achaemenids Technology Tree

Achaemenids Technology Tree

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