The Chinese
The Chinese civilization is one of impressive constructions, gunpowder strength, and a dynasty system that provides unique benefits and varied strategies to overcome the opponent.
The Chinese civilization in Age of Empires IV is a thriving, unique civilization that grows through their dynasty system over the years 907-1644 CE. They are powerful defenders behind formidable fortifications.
The engineering prowess of the Chinese dominated the world for centuries, a trait present in Age of Empires IV. You live through history as Chinese culture, strength, and innovations created ripples across Eurasia, growing your empire as you move through vibrant Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties. Your units speak Mandarin Chinese, a Sinitic language originating in North China.

Playing the Chinese
City planning is an important growth strategy. A special trait of the Chinese civilization is their dynasty system, which offers several advantages when triggered, like unit bonuses and access to unique buildings. This gives several routes in strategy and ways to leverage all that the Chinese civilization has to offer.
The military prowess of the Chinese lies in their mighty gunpowder units. They have access to multiple unique gunpower units, making them a fierce civilization to go up against in battle.
The Chinese Units at a Glance

The Imperial Official
An official produced from the Town Center that collects gold from nearby buildings.

Fire Lancer
A cavalry unit from the Yuan Dynasty equipped with a fire lance.

Nest of Bees
A powerful siege weapon that fires an immense burst of rocket arrows in an area.

The Imperial Official
An official produced from the Town Center that collects gold from nearby buildings.

Fire Lancer
A cavalry unit from the Yuan Dynasty equipped with a fire lance.

Nest of Bees
A powerful siege weapon that fires an immense burst of rocket arrows in an area.
The Chinese through the Ages

Age 1
In Age 1, the Chinese civilization’s Imperial Officials get to work right away in contributing to a healthy gold economy. As the civilization starts laying down the brickwork needed to move into Dynasties, ensuring tax collection is working to its full advantage is key.

Age 2
Age 2’s Imperial Academy, one of the Age 1 landmarks, promotes focus on the Chinese civilization’s growing base layout. This landmark influences nearby buildings, having them generate additional tax revenue.

Age 3

Age 4
The Great Wall is the Chinese civilization’s great treasure, a powerful defensive structure. The landmark is one of the options bringing you into the final Age, built upon stone walls to bolster wall health and nearby units’ damage.

The Dynasties
Dynasties are a unique trait of the Chinese civilization. Chinese Villagers can build both landmarks from a single age. Doing so triggers a dynasty with unique bonuses, buildings, and units.
Vision bonuses for Scouts, boosting exploration efforts.
Access to the unique Village building and Zhuge Nu, a repeater crossbow unit, and reduction in village production time.
Access to the unique Granary building and Fire Lancer unit, and an increase in unit movement speed.
Access to the unique Pagoda building and Grenadier unit, and health bonus to military units.