The Ayyubids are a variant of Age of Empires IV’s Abbasid Dynasty civilization and available with The Sultans Ascend Expansion.
At the confluence of continents, where trade and science meet, and where empires clash, the Ayyubids use their pursuit of knowledge to gain the upper hand. The House of Wisdom is the focal point of this combination of urbanization and science, unlocking powerful Golden Age bonuses and advancing through the ages. The Ayyubids focus on versatile units to gain a tactical advantage on the battlefield.
The Ayyubids possess powerful camel cavalry that lay waste to enemy armies, while their imposing siege weapons flatten defenses. With the calculated use of unique abilities, the Ayyubids can dismantle their opponent’s strategies and tear into their forces.

Playing the Ayyubids
The House of Wisdom for the Ayyubids selects between two powerful bonuses at each wing when advancing to the next Age. The remaining wings will then increase their bonuses for the next Age selection, offering endless strategic possibilities. Some present immediate value, while others bring long-term investment opportunities. The major strength of the Ayyubids is the ability to adapt their House of Wisdom to fit their needs.
The Ayyubids features a unit roster brimming with tricky abilities. Early on, the Desert Raider causes confusion in the enemy ranks with its mastery of both melee and ranged combat. With the Infantry Support technology, their camels gain increased durability when supported by nearby infantry. Later, their unique mangonel – the Manjaniq – can switch to a fire projectile mode, dealing devastating damage to buildings and units in a large area.
The Ayyubids Units at a Glance

Desert Raider
Wielding both sword and bow, the Desert Raider is a versatile Camel unit available at both the Archery Range and Stable. The Desert Raider is capable of quickly switching between ranged and melee combat stances, a powerful trick for mastering a dynamic battlefield.

Tower of the Sultan
The Tower of the Sultan fires arrows while ramming down buildings. Costing immense amounts of resources to produce, this lumbering siege weapon demolishes enemy cities and is extremely difficult to take down.

Camel Lancer
The Camel Lancer has a tactical charge which deals more damage the further it travels before impact, charging more frequently and from further away than the Lancer it replaces.

Desert Raider
Wielding both sword and bow, the Desert Raider is a versatile Camel unit available at both the Archery Range and Stable. The Desert Raider is capable of quickly switching between ranged and melee combat stances, a powerful trick for mastering a dynamic battlefield.

Tower of the Sultan
The Tower of the Sultan fires arrows while ramming down buildings. Costing immense amounts of resources to produce, this lumbering siege weapon demolishes enemy cities and is extremely difficult to take down.

Camel Lancer
The Camel Lancer has a tactical charge which deals more damage the further it travels before impact, charging more frequently and from further away than the Lancer it replaces.
The House of Wisdom

Economic Wing
Choose between Growth and Industry at the Economic Wing. Selecting Growth will provide a group of villagers while Industry provides a shipment of wood.

Military Wing
Choose between Reinforcements and Master Smiths at the Military Wing. Reinforcements will regularly produce Desert Raiders at the House of Wisdom while selecting Master Smiths will instantly research blacksmith technologies.

Culture Wing
Choose between Advancement and Logistics at the Culture Wing. Selecting Advancement is both cheaper and faster to Age up with, whereas Logistics will produce a group of Dervishes at the House of Wisdom and empower their unique ability, Mass Heal.

Trade Wing
Choose between the Bazaar and Advisors at the Trade Wing. Selecting the Bazaar will unlock the ability to hire units and purchase resources from neutral merchants that arrive at the House of Wisdom. Choosing Advisors will produce a group of Atabeg Advisors, which can garrison in any military production building to improve the units trained there.